Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Jack has a crush on Tony for a long time...

Jack has a crush on Tony for a long time now but he's quite shy to make the first move. Good thing they were paired up in a project where they have to work together. They have to work their cute asses off if they want to pass.

Where once it was culturally unacceptable to be involved in a homosexual lifestyle, today it is celebrated in certain circles and viewed as a viable family alternative in others.Gay Rights is a term we have all heard and read about, but what does it mean?If it means that those involved in a gay lifestyle are no longer subjected to laws that forbade this lifestyle then the rights have already been extended.Many would argue that Gay Rights is much more complicated than that.Some homosexual lobbyists are pursuing and sometimes winning a very specific argument in state governing bodies and in the corporate world. The argument is that gay couples should be extended insurance privileges in the same way traditional marriages receive.Public schools often have books dealing with alternate lifestyles (including homosexuality) on their library shelves.Gay Pride parades are featured in cities throughout the world.It would seem that the rights of homosexuals are being improved with each passing day. In Massachusetts, gay marriage is recognized while a handful of other states recognize civil unions among same sex couples.There are even a growing number of churches that will perform and recognize same sex civil unions. Some denominations have also accepted gay clergy.Some African Americans have been vocally opposed to comparing Gay Rights with Civil Rights. The feeling among some is that African Americans were born with their skin color while many consider homosexuality to be a choice.There has been an argument that there may be a gay gene that makes it almost impossible for a gay or lesbian individual to act different. This runs contrary to reports that indicate there may be a gene that may make an individual more susceptible to becoming homosexual, but the choice remains with the individual unlike a choice of skin tone in African Americans. If there is a choice in one scenario and no choice in the other then some cannot bring themselves to view these two movements in the same light.Another area of contention is hate crimes bills that are discussed in the courts as well as on the floor of the senate and congress. The idea is to enforce a more severe penalty for crimes that are considered motivated by hatred. While this is not limited to homosexuals it is inclusive of crimes committed against this sector of society.Proponents indicate this will serve as a deterrent to those who may have considered violence against a gay or lesbian individual. Opponents of hate crimes legislation indicate that this only leads to someone trying to interpret the motives behind an act of violence. They also believe that harsh penalties are already in place to deal with violent crimes without the need for additional penalties that may be viewed as entirely subjective.Some might further argue that the gay community will not be content to settle for equal rights, they will push for protected or elevated rights. Those who espouse this argument believe that the protected status may actually result in a lessening of rights for heterosexual citizens.The many layers of this argument are debated both publicly and behind closed doors and the debate is bound to continue as each individual comes to terms with their own belief system and how this issue fits within that point of view.The current trend of bare-backing in gay adult films sends a negative and dangerous message to millions of gay men around the world. The message they receive is that unprotected sex is pleasurable, good, safe and fun; there is nothing to worry about; and there are no consequences to be paid for taking the risk of unprotected sex. However, in reality there are major health consequences from having unprotected sex, not the least of which is HIV infection.The people filming bare-backing scenes are creating potentially lethal sexual situations to satisfy their own greed. Although the performers will not die during the filming, having unprotected sex puts them at high risk of becoming infected with HIV, for which there is no cure. Many people still donat seem to understand how HIV is transmitted. When a person has unprotected sex with another person, he is having sex with everyone that person has ever had sex with in his life. If just one of those people from his past was HIV positive, he can be infected, so the virus can be passed on to you, and you can pass it on to another person if you have unprotected sex. Furthermore, a person infected with HIV having unprotected sex with another person also infected with HIV can potentially produce new and drug-resistant variations of the virus.In all cases, people infected with HIV must take powerful drugs (usually 6 to 20 pills) on a daily basis just to stay alive. Early drugs like AZT, introduced in 1987, offered a slim chance of survival, but with the introduction of protease inhibitors in 1996, HIV can be suppressed for a longer period of time. However, living longer may mean living with considerable disability and/or toxic side effects of the medication. In addition, as many as 24% to 48% of people continue to lose weight despite using HAART.These new medications offer no guarantee of longer life. a?The crude mortality rate for patients with access to HAART early in the course of infection is 6.7% at 28 months.a? Ten years after the introduction of HAART, a?the death rate from AIDS continues to be significant at approximately 15,000 to 16,000 per year in the United States.a? a?Even after the heady optimism of the late 1990s following the introduction of protease inhibitors, few if any researchers are currently speculating about the likelihood of viral eradication or a?curea for HIV infection. In fact, a more sober assessment would suggest that HIV/AIDS is now a chronic, progressive disease that still causes considerable morbidity and mortality.a? Currently, we do not yet know the long-term effects of HIV drugs on the virus or the body. Still, we do know there are serious and deathly consequences for participating in bare-backing sex.Since 1981, Iave employed many gay men who were infected with HIV and eventually died of AIDS. Far too many of my employees and dear friends have died from this devastating disease. I have seen the fear on their faces; and I have tried to comfort their fears. It is not only the fear of pain, suffering and death, but also the fear of rejection and of dying alone. It is not only the tragedy of a life cut too short, but also despair over the loss of a future and the loss of hopes and dreams. I have employees today who are HIV positive, some who have recently become infected and had their lives turned upside down as a result.Although we now have better medication to control HIV, there is still no cure. People continue to become infected with HIV and they continue to die from AIDS. Over 500,000 people have died of AIDS so far in America; and over 40 million are HIV positive in the world today. HIV/AIDS is not a myth, a joke, or something to be taken lightly.People such as Bill Gates (founder and chairman of Microsoft), Michael Dell (founder and chairman of Dell Computers), and Bono (an Irish musician) believe that AIDS is serious enough to invest their time and money in promoting AIDS awareness on the world stage. Yet, despite all the education about safe sex, there has been an increase in the incidence of both HIV and other STDs over the last four to five years. Why? I believe the increased incidence of HIV infection and other STDs is at least partially due to the popularity of bare-backing films. gay arab sex videos

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